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To get help with a Classified ad, email our staff at support [at] 

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    Anthony Scrufari

    an email will not go thru it is sent back every time that your address is not good

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    Bev Nicholson

    Why can't I place an ad?

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    Tegra I. Wilson

    I'm trying to find out why now ad keeps disappearing. The ad is AKC Sheltie Puppies. I don't understand.
    Thank you

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    Tegra I. Wilson

    I have wrote you 4 or 5 times
    Please could you help me with my ad in Items for Sale for Sheltie Puppies.
    I have read the rules over and over and I'm not breaking any of them but my ad disappears with in 2 hours of me placing it every time.
    Please Help
    Tegra Wilson

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