I don't like the new design. Will you change back to the old design?


It has been seven years since WRAL.com underwent a significant redesign. During that time, web technologies have advanced and we know more about what users like and don't like about the site.

The most common comment after any web redesign project is "I don't like it. The old site was better." We understand that change can be hard, especially if you are longtime, frequent visitor. We ask that you give yourself time to explore the new site and adjust to the changes.

Feel free to share your feedback -- positive or negative -- with us at https://wral.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Our first priority is fixing bugs that keep the site from displaying properly. Next, we will look for common themes and make adjustments that best serve a majority of visitors.

Have more questions? Submit a request


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